Mud Therapy Treatment
Mud is one of the five elements of nature and helps in the treatment of all chronic diseases, hypertension, obesity, various skin diseases, diabetes, constipation, dyspepsia, indigestion etc. It also enhances the body’s resistance power, vitality and beauty.

Mud Bath
Mud is one of the five elements of nature. It has fine qualities and helps to absorb toxins, improve blood circulation and relax muscles. It also maintains metabolism and has a positive impact on digestion. Mud is also useful in reducing swelling and pain and eases stiff joints. It works as a natural hair conditioner and is also good for the skin.

Abdominal Pack and Chest Pack (Matti Patti)
Cures any abdominal disorder, constipation, flatulence, indigestion, diabetes mellitus, jaundice, chronic colitis, menstrual disorder, obesity, renal failure etc.