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Naturopathy Naturopathy is a holistic approach to healthcare that emphasizes the body’s inherent ability to heal itself. It combines traditional healing practices with modern scientific principles, focusing on prevention, education, and the treatment of the whole person—mind, body, and spirit. While naturopathy may be…

Hydro Colon Therapy

Colon Hydro Therapy Treatment Colon Hydro Therapy refers to the use of water for the cleansing of the colon (large intestines). A clear H2O colon Hydro Therapy machine has been…

Laughing Therapy Treatment Daily the laughter therapy is conducted in the lush lawns of Sanjeevani in early morning after Shatkarma. Laughter, initially stimulated by eye contact begins with a physical…

Physiotherapy Treatment Physiotherapy treats a wide array of conditions as- Orthopedic cases including fractures, sports injuries, spinal pain and headaches. The treatment may include therapeutic exercise to improve strength, endurance…

Acupuncture Acupuncture is an age-old healing practice of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are placed at specific points in the body. It’s primarily used to relieve pain but…

Fasting Therapy Treatment When the body is provided with a favorable atmosphere with correct balance of appropriate diet, activity, environment and psychology, then optimum health can be sustained. If these…

Manipulative Therapy Treatment Manipulative therapy comprises of various therapeutic therapies like vibro therapy (using vibrations for whole body), oil therapy, hot stone therapy and deep tissue therapy (massage that concentrates…

Hydro Therapy Treatment Hydrotherapy is a part of alternative medicine, especially in naturopathy and physiotherapy that uses water for treatment and pain relief. Water treatments are conducted in the form…

Mud Therapy Treatment Mud is one of the five elements of nature and helps in the treatment of all chronic diseases, hypertension, obesity, various skin diseases, diabetes, constipation, dyspepsia, indigestion…

Air Therapy Treatment Air, is both, essential for our survival and for our well-being and good health. Air bath must be taken daily. It is recommended to walk for 20…