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Naturopathy is favorable alternative treatment for fat reduction with no side effects. Besides other methods, Naturopathic treatment makes use of herbs largely, helpful for weight reduction. We believe at that food is medicine. And medicine works best when taken in prescribed portions at the stipulated timings.

Learn about a few herbs that could help you reduce your belly


Ginger is known to be one of the most commonly used herbs for weight reduction since ancient times. Besides weight reduction, ginger is most helpful in reduction of cholesterol and increasing blood circulation. Many people take in ginger raw, or in tea. If you take ginger in tea exceeding 2 to 3 cup may cause heartburn.


Cinamon is known for its thermogenic properties that help to burn fat. Thermogenic refers to tendency of producing heat. Many drugs are thermogenic and raise the metabolic rate. Almost all enzymatic reactions in human body is Thermogenic giving rise to basal metabolic rate.


Fennels are known for weight loss and have a tendency to remove water from the body. It is a natural diuretic and decreases hunger pangs considerably. Fennel seeds are mostly taken in form of tea with nettles. The Fennel-nettle combination herbal remedy is known worldwide.


Licorice Root stimulates the adrenal gland and boosts up the metabolic rate naturally. Fat stored in different parts of body metabolize faster. It also reduces the natural appetite and the consumer’s hunger is satisfied sooner. The food portions become smaller.

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