Arjun Churan or Arjun Chhal from Arjun tree also known as Terminalia arjuna of Terminalia genus, helps in cardiac related problems.
“It helps to manage BP, lipid profile of cholesterol, and has no adverse effects as opposed to allopathic products in the market.”
Dr. Vashisht, Sanjeevani Kaya Shodhan Sansthan
In the prose Gunavakatam, saint Agastiyar mentioned the Arjuna tree that was introduced in Siddha. In the 7th century Ayurveda, Vagbhata introduced it as treatment for heart diseases. Though it had been used eons before as in the Ashtānga Hridaya and the Vedas before Vagbhata mentioned it for treatment of wounds, ulcers and hemorrhages, before it was applied as a powder. The Arjuna plant has been used for centuries in treatment of heart diseases and is known as “Guardian of the heart.” The protagonist in the epic Mahabharata was named as Arjun due to its protective effects.
Arjun tree is also known as thella maddi and in Malayalam, neer maruthu; in Sinhala as kumbuk; in Tamil, it is called marudha maram and in Kannada- Hole Mathi. It grows to about 25 meters in height, with branches dropping down and leaves are conical and oblong- green atop and brown on the other side. The pale yellow flowers spring in March and remain until June. The woody fruit comes out in September and November.
Dr Vashist says that patients suffering from Coronary diseases may not take the treatment. After 6 months of Balooning, stent and bypass may take treatment at Sanjeevani Kaya Shodhan Sansthan.

You can order the Arjun Churan from the SHOPPE at SANJEEVANI KAYA SHODHAN SANSTHAN. Please consult the Sanjeevani doctors before using Arjun Churan and the recommended quantities.
You can reach the doctors between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm and 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm to consult on usage. Telephone: +91 01263253740, 94161 08672, and 8059800895.